Street Snow Removal


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Report a problem 

To report problems with snow/ice on a street, please use the A2 Fix It app, the A2 Fix It page​ or call 734.794.6320, Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. ​

To report a problem sidewalk use the A2 Fix It app, the A2 Fix It page​ or call Community Standards at 734.794.6942 Monday through Friday, 7 a.m.–3:30 p.m. ​​​

Street snow/ice treatment and plowing

The City of Ann Arbor's winter road maintenance goal is to provide surfaces that are safe to use at reasonable speeds. Public Works is mindful of the environmental impact of overuse of salt and therefore does not treat to bare pavement.  ​​


  • Trunk line: defined by state and federal law; takes priority for snow control/removal; serves vital role in transportation and connect to highways.
  • Major road: critical for travel within the city limits. May or may not connect to highways.
  • Residential/local street: most homes, apartments and businesses reside along residential/local streets.

Plowing basics

  • ​City plows/treats 100 miles of major roads and 200 miles of residential streets.
  • Trunk lines, major roads and the next day’s solid waste routes are plowed first.
  • Goal is to treat/plow all streets within 24 hours of an “average” 4-inch snowstorm.
  • Plows will deposit snow on sidewalks during normal plowing.  We recommend waiting until the plows have passed to shovel sidewalks and driveways. ​
  • City is not responsible for keeping mailboxes clear of snow/ice, including that which may be plowed on or around them.
  • Schools and privately owned lots and roads are not maintained by city crews.​

When and what ​do we plow?

The City is broken up into seven major snow routes that primarily consist of major roads but do include some local roads that are on school routes or have been deemed problem areas and typically contain steep inclines. These routes are plowed and salted each time it snows. Anti-icing is applied to these routes in advance of snow events to prevent snow from bonding to the road surface.    

Unprotected bike lanes on major snow routes are treated in tandem with roads. Final cleanup is performed after the snow has stopped. Protected bike lanes require specialized equipment and will be plowed and treated within 24 hours. During large snow events protected bike lane treatment must follow snow removal on adjacent roads, because snow removed from the road may end up in the bike lane. It is possible that complete clearing of protected bike lanes may take several days after a significant snow event. 

Residential plowing is initiated at 4” of accumulation or when deemed appropriate by the Public Works Manager. The city’s goal is to plow all streets within 24 hours after the snow stops falling.  However, during significant snow events, it can take several days to complete plowing in all residential neighborhoods. Plowing is prioritized based on solid waste routes. This is done to avoid locations that already have receptacles out and to prepare the following days routes first. Staff updates AVL tracking page to show areas that have been plowed and the areas that are up next. 

Light snow events of around 1” require a minimum of seven operators and trucks to treat major snow routes. Heavy snow events that trigger plowing on local roads are staffed with approximately 25 operators per 12-hour shift. These shifts continue 24 hours per day until all roads are plowed and final cleanup is performed. Protected bike lanes require one dedicated operator and specialized equipment. ​

Driveways and plows

Some simple tips can help keep driveways free of snow Avoid the Second Shovel.jpgfrom plows working the roads:

  • Wait till after plows have come by to clear driveway
  • Clear area before driveway in the direction of traffic


Residents and/or property owners are responsible for removing snow/ice from adjacent sidewalks, crosswalk ramps and bus stops.  Residents/property owners will receive only one warning per season before being fined. For more information, please visit the Community Standards sidewalk page

Snow emergencies

When a snow emergency is declared, special parking rules may go into effect. Where street parking is normally permitted, restrictions would allow vehicles to be removed so city services an​d emergency vehicle access can be maintained. "Snow emergency" streets must be kept clear of parked cars at all times during the emergency. Vehicles left in place on these streets may be ticketed and towed. Residents will be alerted to a snow emergency via CTN Channel 16,​, FacebookNextDo​or, and l​ocal media.

Free residential sand/salt ​

During the winter, the city provides residents with up to five gallons of a sand/salt mixture, per visit, at ​locations around Ann Arbor. Residents need to bring their own shovel and bucket as well as load material themselves from the marked boxes. Sand/salt mixture is not for contractors or landscapers. Material is typically available starting in late November.​

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Locations for pick up include: