Zoning Board of Appeals
The purpose of the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) is to hear and decide appeals and to authorize variances from the strict application of the zoning, off-street parking, landscape, streets, stormwater, and fence ordinances.
The ZBA is composed of nine members of the public, including one member of the City Council and one member of the City Planning Commission. ZBA members serve three-year terms.
- Candice Briere, Chair
- Todd Grant, Vice Chair
- Dave DeVarti
Michael Daniel
- Kristina Glusac
- Julie Weatherbee
- Dharma Akmon, City Council Representative
Apply to Serve on the Zoning Board of Appeals
Rules of the Zoning Board of Appeals
The Zoning Board of Appeals typically meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 6 PM.
Application Due |
Meeting Date |
December 18, 2023
| January 24, 2024
January 24,
| February 28,
February 28,
| March 27,
March 27,
| April 24,
April 24,
| May 22,
May 22,
| June 26,
June 26,
| July 24,
July 24,
| August 28,
August 28,
| September 25,
September 25,
| October 23,
November 1,
| December 4,
*First Wednesday in December
For in-person meetings please note:
- Regular meetings are broadcast for viewing online and cable television, and participants may attend virtually via Zoom or by telephone.
- Applicants, owners, and public hearing comments may be made in person at the meeting, by Zoom, or by phone.
Application Procedure and Forms
**Please note: Applications to appear before the ZBA require a Pre-Submission Meeting application in
STREAM to begin. After the Pre-Submission Meeting, staff will unlock the correct applications with unique links accessible to the
STREAM accounts of project team members. Please also note that the Pre-Submission Meeting date is not the same as, and will
not satisfy the need to submit applications by the Application Due date indicated on this page.**
Applications are due by noon on the fourth Wednesday of the prior month unless otherwise noted.
The following materials are
required to be submitted with a completed application:
- Boundary Survey of the property including all existing and proposed structures, dimensions of property, and area of property.
- Building floor plans showing interior rooms, including dimensions.
- Photographs of the property and any existing buildings involved in the request.
- A Letter of Authorization if the applicant is not the owner of the property.
The Zoning Board of Appeals Application fees are as follows and are
due at the time the application is filed.
- Single & Two-Family: $1,000 per address
- Multiple-Family & Commercial: $1,000 per address
- Administrative Appeal: $1,500
All Zoning Board of Appeals applications must be submitted through the City's new online permitting system STREAM (stream.a2gov.org). Paper applications and emailed PDFs are no longer accepted.
To Apply:
- Go to STREAM (stream.a2gov.org)
- Select the Apply box
- Select the application type: Variance Application, Alteration to Non-Conforming Structure Application, or the Administrative Appeal Application
- Follow prompts to complete the application.
Contact Staff for assistance with applications.
The Zoning Board of Appeals meeting schedule, packets, minutes, and videos are available at the City of Ann Arbor's Legislative Information Center.
Select "Zoning Board of Appeals" from the drop-down menu at the top of the page.
Click on the "Search Calendar" button.
Staff reports can be found by clicking the "Meeting Details" link for each meeting date.
For copies of minutes prior to September 2011, contact Courtney Manor at 734.794.6000 x 42618 or email
[email protected].