Application Process

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Step-by-step Application Process

The process outlined below is based solely on the City of Ann Arbor’s land acquisition process.  If grant funds or other partners are involved in the acquisition, additional steps may be required. 

1.      A landowner voluntarily submits a Greenbelt application to the Greenbelt Program. 

2.      Greenbelt staff reviews application.

3.      Application is scored based on Greenbelt criteria. 

4.      Greenbelt Advisory Commission (GAC) reviews application and scoring
         (GAC meets once a month).

5.      If GAC decides to move forward, an appraisal is ordered.

6.      Title work requested.

7.      Once appraisal is complete, GAC recommends offer to City Council.
         (Council meets twice a month).

8.      Easement draft submitted to landowner. 

9.      Purchase and Sales Agreement sent to landowner.       

10.    City Council accepts Purchase and Sales Agreement by Resolution.

11.    Due diligence (simultaneous actions)

        a.      Survey is ordered

        b.      Phase I Environmental Site Assessment is ordered

        c.      Baseline Document is completed and presented to landowner for review

        d.      Conservation Plan is completed by NRCS

12.    City and landowner approve all documents for closing.

13.    Closing scheduled.

14.    At closing – landowners sign Conservation Easement and Baseline Document
        and other closing documents.