Firearm Permits and Licenses


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***Please note the following changes in State law, effective 2/13/2024***


Firearms Purchase Procedures


  1.  ALL firearms purchases will require a License to Purchase a Firearm (LTP) unless the purchaser has a current and valid Concealed Pistol License (CPL), a MCOLES number (law enforcement), or is a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL).  One can obtain a LTP from any police agency in the State of Michigan, including the Ann Arbor Police Department.  The LTP is in triplicate, one designated the Purchaser Copy, one designated the Seller Copy, and one designated the Licensing Authority Copy.
  2. For those who have a CPL, MCOLES number, or is a FFL, a Firearms Sales Record (FSR) will be used to complete the sale/transfer of a firearm.
  3. For all pistol purchases (any firearm under 26 inches in overall length), the purchaser is responsible for obtaining the LTP.  The seller is responsible for filling out the information on the pistol and returning the Licensing Authority Copy to the agency that issued it.  The purchaser retains the Purchaser Copy, and the seller retains the Seller Copy.  In the case of a FSR, the seller is responsible for returning the Police Department/Sheriff's Office Copy to the police agency that has jurisdiction over their current address.  In other words, if the seller lives in the city of Ann Arbor and the purchaser lives in Saline, then the seller would send the Police Department/Sheriff's Office Copy to the Ann Arbor Police Department.
  4. For all non-pistol firearms (any firearm over 26 inches in overall length), the purchaser must obtain a LTP if acquiring the non-pistol from a private seller.  If the purchaser is obtaining the non-pistol from a FFL, then no LTP is required.  The seller will fill out the information on the firearm on the seller and purchaser copies.  The Police Department/Sheriff's Office Copy does NOT get turned into any law enforcement agency!  If a copy is presented to a police agency, it will be returned to whomever turned it in or destroyed, but there is no requirement to register non-pistols and will be rejected by the Michigan State Police (MSP) if turned in.  The purchaser will still retain the Purchaser Copy for their records and the seller will retain the Seller Copy for their records.  The procedure is the same for the FSR.  The seller will be required to see proof and provide the CPL, MCOLES number, or FFL on the FSR form, but the Police Department/Sheriff's Office Copy of the form WILL NOT be turned into any law enforcement agency in the case of non-pistol firearms.


    Reference:  Firearms Act 372 of 1927 sec. 28.422


    Domestic Violence State Prohibition on Firearm Ownership

  1. The prohibition on firearms/ammunition ownership state definitions has been expanded.  All domestic violence convictions automatically trigger a 8 year prohibition on the possession, use, transportation, sale, purchase, carry, shipping, or distribution of any firearm or ammunition.  Any person who is in violation of this law is subject to felony charges, which is punishable up to 5 years imprisonment or $5,000 fine, or both.
  2. Convictions of the following Michigan domestic violence laws that would trigger the 8 year prohibition on firearms ownership include:
    1. Domestic Assault
    2. Domestic Assault – Multiple Convictions (same victim)
    3. Domestic Assault – Serious or Aggravated Injury
    4. Vulnerable Adult Abuse
    5. Destroys/Injures Personal Property of Another (requires domestic relationship)
    6. Destroy/Inure house, barn, building or its appurtenances (requires domestic relationship)
    7. Stalking
    8. Malicious use of service provided by telecommunications service provider.
  3. The 8 year prohibition would also be triggered by conviction of an ordinance, law of another state, or law of the United States that is specifically designated as domestic violence.


    Reference:  Michigan MCL 750.224f


    Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO)

  1. An ERPO can be sought against an individual by a family member, spouse, former spouse, individual who has a child in common, dating/former dating relationship, has resided in the same household, a guardian, a law enforcement officer, or a health care provider through the court system.
  2. If granted, the restrained individual shall not be able to purchase or possess a firearm.  Any LTP that had been issued, but not yet used, shall be surrendered to the law enforcement agency that issued it.  The restrained individual cannot apply for or receive a CPL.  If the restrained individual has a CPL, it must be surrendered.  Upon being served, the restrained individual must immediately (or within 24 hrs, at the court's discretion) surrender all firearms in the individual's possession or control to local law enforcement or, if given permission by the court, to a willing FFL as long as the dealer is on a list of trusted FFL's within the jurisdiction of the circuit court.
  3. The order is given an expiration date of 1 year after the date of issuance.


    Reference:  Michigan MCL 691.1807


    Safe Storage

  1. If a minor (less than 18 years of age)  is known to be (or reasonably known to be) present on the premises of a firearm owner where the firearm is stored or left unattended, the owner shall either (a) store the firearm in a locked box or container and/or (b) keep the firearm unloaded and lock the firearm with a locking device that is properly engaged to render the firearm inoperable by any individual other than the owner or authorized user.


    Reference:  Michigan MCL 28.429


    ***Please note that the above items are meant to be for general informational purposes and not a comprehensive legal analysis or legal advice.  If you have any questions regarding these new laws, you should direct them to your attorney.​

Ann Arbor Police Department pistol license and registration hours are Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 1p.m. - 3:30p.m. Please come to the Records section window during those days and times.  

For questions, please contact Police Service Specialist Chris Briney at 734.794.6930, x49307 or [email protected].

A completed License to Purchase (LTP) or a Firearm Sales Record (FSR) for PISTOLS ONLY can be mailed by the seller to: Ann Arbor Police Department, ATTN: Firearm Licensing Office, P.O. Box 8647, Ann Arbor, MI 48107. PLEASE DO NOT SEND NON-PISTOL POLICE DEPARTMENT/SHERIFF OFFICE COPIES, AS NON-PISTOLS ARE NOT REQUIRED TO BE REGISTERED! All non-pistol forms will either be a. returned if possible or b. destroyed.

License to Purchase application

AAPD Firearm Form.doc

Firearm licensing is not available on the following holidays:


  • New Years Day

  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day


  • President's Day


  • Memorial Day


  • Juneteenth


  • Independence Day


  • Labor Day


  • Indigenous Peoples Day


  • Veteran's Day


  • Thanksgiving Day (and the Friday after)


  • Christmas Eve


  • Christmas Day


  • New Years Eve


Purchasing/Transferring a Pistol without a CPL


If you are purchasing a pistol (any firearm under 26 inches in overall length) and do not possess a Concealed Pistol License (CPL), MCOLES number, or a Federal Firearms License (FFL), you will be required to obtain a License to Purchase (LTP) prior to purchasing the pistol, regardless of whether you are obtaining the pistol from a private seller or FFL.  After the requisite background check is done and passed, a license will be issued to the purchaser.  The purchaser will then take the license to the seller within 30 days and the purchaser will fill out any remaining fields in the Purchaser Information section and the seller will fill out the Firearm Information and Seller Information sections.  This must be done on all three copies.  The seller will keep the Seller Copy, the purchaser will keep the Purchaser Copy, then it will be the SELLER'S RESPONSIBILITY to return the Licensing Authority Copy to the Ann Arbor Police Department within 10 days after the date of the sale/transfer.


Purchasing/Transferring a Non-Pistol without a CPL


If you are purchasing a non-pistol (any firearm over 26 inches in overall length) and do not possess a CPL, MCOLES number, or FFL, you will be required to obtain a LTP prior to purchasing the non-pistol from a private seller.  If you are purchasing a non-pistol from a FFL, then no LTP is required.  After the requisite background check is done and passed, a license will be issued to the purchaser.  The purchaser will then take the license to the seller within 30 days and the purchaser will fill out the Purchaser Information section and the seller will fill out the Firearm Information and Seller Information sections.  This must be done on all three copies.  The seller will keep the Seller Copy, the purchaser will keep the Purchaser Copy, but the Licensing Authority Copy DOES NOT GET RETURNED TO THE ANN ARBOR POLICE DEPARTMENT.  It does not matter which party keeps the extra copy, or the copy can be destroyed, but it is not required by Michigan law for the Licensing Authority copy to be turned in.  If a Licensing Authority copy of a non-pistol license is returned to the Ann Arbor Police Department, the copy will either be a) returned to the party turning it in or b) destroyed.


Purchasing/Transferring a Pistol with a CPL


If you are purchasing a pistol and you DO possess a CPL, have a MCOLES number, or are a FFL, then you will fill out a MI RI-060 form (Firearm Sales Record, or FSR), which can be found on the Michigan State Police website (,1607,7-123-1591_3503_4654---,00.html).  There are fields that contain areas for the FFL, MCOLES, and CPL numbers to be filled in on that form.  This form will need to be filled out regardless of whether the seller is a private seller or FFL.  The purchaser will complete the Purchaser Information section on the form, then take the form to the seller.  The seller will complete the Firearm Information and Seller Information sections on the form.  The purchaser will keep the Seller Copy, the seller will keep the Seller Copy.  It will be the SELLER'S RESPONSIBILITY to send the Police Department/Sheriff's Office Copy to the police agency where the SELLER RESIDES within 10 days.  For instance, if the purchaser resides in Ann Arbor and the seller resides in Belleville, the seller would be responsible for sending the Police Department/Sheriff's Office copy to the Belleville Police Department.


Purchasing/Transferring a Non-Pistol with a CPL


If you are purchasing a non-pistol and you DO possess a CPL, have a MCOLES number, or are a FFL, then you will fill out a MI RI-060 form (FSR), which can be found on the Michigan State Police website (,1607,7-123-1591_3503_4654---,00.html).  There are fields that contain areas for the FFL, MCOLES, and CPL numbers to be filled in on the form.  This form will need to be filled out if the seller is a private seller.  No FSR is necessary if the seller is a FFL.  The purchaser will complete the Purchaser Information section on the form, then take the form to the seller.  The seller will complete the Firearm Information and Seller Information sections on the form.  The seller will keep the Seller Copy and the purchaser will keep the Purchaser Copy.  THE POLICE DEPARTMENT/SHERIFF'S OFFICE COPY DOES NOT NEED TO BE TURNED INTO ANY POLICE AGENCY!  That copy can go either to the purchaser or seller, or it can be destroyed.  If a Police Department/Sheriff's Office Copy for a non-pistol is turned into the Ann Arbor Police Department, the copy will be a) returned to the person turning in the copy or b) destroyed.


Obtaining a Firearm From the Estate of Someone Who is Recently Deceased


If you receive any firearm, pistol or non-pistol, as the executor of a deceased relative/friend's estate, you will need to obtain a LTP for each firearm, or fill out a FSR for each firearm if you are a CPL holder, have a MCOLES number, or are a FFL.  Be prepared to provide a death certificate and documentation naming you the executor of the deceased's estate if you are applying for a LTP.  If you are a person who is a named inheritor of the firearm, but not the executor, you will need to obtain a LTP or fill out a FSR if you are a CPL holder, have a MCOLES number or are a FFL prior to obtaining the firearm from the executor.


Moving to Michigan From Another State


If you just moved to Ann Arbor from another state, you will need a LTP for all firearms brought with you.  In order to obtain the LTP, you will need one of the following:  a Michigan driver's license, a Michigan personal ID card, a Michigan voter registration card, or for military personnel, a government-issued photo ID along with copy of orders or letter from your CO that Michigan is your permanent duty assignment as well as proof of your home of record.  One of these MUST be obtained prior to the issuance of a LTP.  After the license(s) is/are issued, all Licensing Authority copies of the LTP marked “pistol" must be turned into the Ann Arbor Police Department within 10 days of the Purchaser/Transfer Date on the form.  The remaining Purchaser Copy and Seller Copy can be retained for your records.  Any Licensing Authority copies of the LTP marked as non-pistol will NOT be turned into the Ann Arbor Police Department.  You may keep the form, along with the Purchaser Copy and Seller Copy as an additional form for your records, or you may destroy the form.  All Licensing Authority copies received by the Ann Arbor Police Department for non-pistols will be a) returned to the person turning it in, or b) destroyed.


Non-U.S. Citizens


Michigan law requires that all LTPs and CPLs can only be obtained by someone with Permanent Resident Alien status, also commonly referred to as green card holders.  People who are here lawfully as Nonimmigrant Aliens, such as someone here on visitor or student visas, as well as aliens here unlawfully are PROHIBITED from obtaining a LTP under Michigan law, even if one would qualify under the federal rules and other state laws or statutes.  For example, if you are moving to Michigan from another state and are classified as a Nonimmigrant Alien and attempting to bring any firearms purchased in that state with you, you will not be able to obtain a LTP or CPL, and possession of those firearms in Michigan would be illegal once Michigan residency has been established.  Those who do have their Permanent Resident Card must also, in addition to the Michigan residency requirements, have been a Michigan resident for 90 days and must produce your Permanent Resident Card during the application process. 


Concealed Pistol Licensing


To obtain or renew a concealed pistol license (CPL), Washtenaw County residents must go to the County Clerk's Office to pick up a CPL application packet.  The office address is 200 N Main St, Ann Arbor, MI 48104.  You may obtain further information on the Washtenaw County Clerk's website.


Other Notes About Firearms Licensing


Once your firearm is licensed in the State of Michigan, you are not required to re-license the firearm should you move, provided you are still a resident of the state.


Antique firearms, defined as firearms manufactured prior to 1898 (or replicas of these firearms) that use matchlock, flintlock, or percussion-cap ignition systems do not require a LTP prior to purchase.


Gas or spring-powered pistols do not require a LTP prior to purchase.


As of 2/13/24, you can no longer go to a FFL to purchase your pistol without having received a LTP first.  If you have your CPL, you can go to the FFL, where a FSR will be filled out, and you will receive the Purchaser Copy.  The FFL will bear responsibility for submitting the Police Department/Sheriff's Office Copy to the agency that polices them.​

To learn more about Michigan's gun laws, visit the Michigan State Police website,1607,7-123-1591_3503_4654---,00.html.