Natural Area Preservation Year End Report 2022


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Eastern red-backed salamanderbrown snake​; ‘Did you know Ann Arbor employs experts to track turtles, birds and frogs?



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Eastern red-backed salamander -

Brown snake -

Stanton, Ryan. “Did you know Ann Arbor employs experts to track turtles, birds and frogs?", Aug. 01, 2022, Accessed Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2022.

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Butler's garter snake -

Eastern garter snake -

Blue-spotted salamander -

Page 11

Stanton, Ryan. “Did you know Ann Arbor employs experts to track turtles, birds and frogs?", Aug. 01, 2022, Accessed Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2022.

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Osprey -

Trumpeter Swan -

Black-crowned Night Heron -

Red-shouldered Hawk -

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Dickcissel -

Marsh Wren -

Henslow's Sparrow -

Hooded Warbler -

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Gallup Park -

Furstenberg Nature Area -

South Pond Nature Area -
Page 15

Photo Monitoring Web Map –

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Acadian hairstreak -

Red-spotted purple -

Harvester -

Cecropia moth caterpillar -

Eastern tiger swallowtail -

Saddleback caterpillar moth -

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Ann Arbor's Greenbelt program -

Greenbelt and Parkland Acquisition FY2022 Report -

Greenbelt Strategic Plan -

Greenbelt map -

Mary Beth Doyle Park -

Page 18

Smolcic Larson, Lucas. “$1.44M conservation purchase sets up one of largest nature preserves in Ann Arbor area", Dec. 2, 2022, Accessed Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2022.

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University of Michigan School of Environment and Sustainability -

Edinger, J; Einck, J; Kasparian, S; Pagano, L 2021, Assessing and Communicating Climate and Water Ecosystem Services of the City of Ann Arbor Greenbelt Program, Master's thesis, University of Michigan, Accessed Wednesday, December 21, 2022.

Environmental Protection Agency Carbon Equivalencies Calculator -

Page 22

Ruthven Nature Area -

Can you find the native fauna hiding on this page: bats, a songbird, a spider web, butterflies, moths, a dragonfly, bees, a rabbit, a snake, a grasshopper, and a vole?​

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NAP Group Volunteering Form -

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Photo Credits


Mary Beth Doyle Park, October 2022, by Photo Monitoring volunteer, Alena Aniskiewicz

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Furstenberg prairie, July 2022, by NAP Photographer


Bee balm and black-eyed Susan at Ruthven, July 2022, by NAP Photographer

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Volunteers hauling large trash out of Bluffs, March 2022, by NAP Photographer; Volunteers at Bird Hills, October 2022, by NAP Photographer

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Barton Precise Point 39, September 2022, NAP Photo Monitoring volunteer Lissa Spitz

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Argo Cascades Burn, March 2022, by NAP Staff; South Pond Burn, March 2022, by NAP Staff; Conservation Crew Intern Indira Sankaran at Furstenberg Burn, August 2022, by NAP Staff; Burn Crew at Kuebler Langford Burn, March 2022, by NAP Staff

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Volunteers during nature walk with Park Steward Lisa Johnson at Miller, April 2022, by NAP Staff; Junior volunteer gets lopper training at Miller, March 2022, by NAP Staff

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Eastern red-backed salamander by Conservation Crew; Brown snake by Conservation Crew

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Herp Survey volunteer Antoni Wierzbicki, courtesy of Antoni; Butler's garter snake © Josh Vandermeulen (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), via iNaturalistEastern garter snake ©Patrick Randall (CC BY-NC-SA), via flickr

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Black-crowned Night Heron at Mary Beth Doyle, August 2022, by Breeding Bird Survey volunteer Corey Haselhuhn

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Osprey Dad Bringing Dinner, by Jane Purslow from NAP's 2008 Photo Contest; Trumpeter Swan at Gallup, 2018, by Photo Monitoring volunteer Harry Frank; Black-crowned Night Heron at Mary Beth Doyle, August 2022, by Corey Haselhuhn; Red-shouldered Hawk © Andy Morffew (CC BY 2.0), via Wikimedia Commons

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Dickcissel, public domain, Christopher King, via Wikimedia Commons; Marsh Wren, public domain, Tom Koerner/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, via flickr; Henslow's Sparrow © Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarren (CC BY 2.0), via Wikimedia Commons; Hooded Warbler male © Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarren (CC BY 2.0), via flickr

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North American beaver, public domain, Glacier National Park Service; Bark detail of black alder, by former NAP staff Amy Lipson; Beaver gnawed aspen stump in a pond © Arbyreed (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0), via flickr

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Photos from NAP Photo Monitoring Program

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Acadian hairstreak, by NAP Photographer; Red-spotted purple, Shutterstock; Harvester at Black Pond Woods by Ronda Spink of the Michigan Butterfly Network; Cecropia moth caterpillar by NAP Photographer; Tiger Swallowtail Sweet Landing, by Michael Gay from NAP's 2008 Photo Contest; Saddleback caterpillar moth, by former NAP staff Steven Parrish

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Mary Beth Doyle Park, October 2022, by Photo Monitoring volunteer Alena Aniskiewicz

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Photos from Maisel Property Greenbelt Application

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Volunteers smiling at Bandemer, October 2022, by NAP Staff; friends giving a thumbs up at Miller, March 2022, by NAP Staff; Community High School students give a thumbs up, May 2022, by NAP Staff

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Emerson School students celebrate at Olson Park, June 2022, by NAP Staff; UM Indian American Student Association volunteers pose at Mary Beth Doyle Park, October 2022, by NAP Staff

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Ruthven Nature Area kame, July 2022, by NAP Photo Monitoring volunteer Mike Stander

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All by NAP Staff: EMU Women's Swim and Dive Team at Marshall, October 2022; Indian American Student Association at Mary Beth Doyle, October 2022; UM Muslim Chaplaincy at Furstenberg, July 2022; Community High School volunteers at Sunset Brooks, May 2022; UM Delta Epsilon Mu at Argo, September 2022; EMU Delta Zeta at Fuller, March 2022; Criteo at Bird Hills, September 2022; UM Running Club at Bluffs, April 2022; UM Chi Psi at Bluffs, April 2022

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Volunteers pull weeds at Onder, April 2022, by NAP Staff; Park Steward Liz Geissner at Furstenberg prairie, July 2022, by NAP Staff

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Barton Nature Area tall grass the summer after a fall burn, September 2021, by NAP Photo Monitoring volunteer Shifrah Nenner; Kuebler Langford Nature Area ironweed, August 2022, by Photo Monitoring volunteer Steve Lyskawa



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